Make Your Contributions Matter More

Make Your Contributions Matter More

Service is at the heart of Delta Sigma Theta and has been since its founding. One of the admission requirements is extensive community service, and chapters sponsor regular service projects for sorors to volunteer. By pledging to the sorority, you are giving your commitment to serve your community as much as you can.

There are steps you can take to make your service a more meaningful experience for you and those you serve. First, let’s take a look at the areas Delta Sigma Theta prioritizes for service.

The Five-Point Programmatic Thrust

Delta Sigma Theta has a mission statement highlighting five areas of the community to which sorors can give back through different initiatives. These initiatives strengthen African American communities, individuals, and families.

The Five-Point Programmatic Thrust includes service projects in these areas:

  • Economic Development. Through a program called Financial Fortitude, sorority members can provide the community with tools to be financially literate. Topics taught include budgeting, estate planning, and everything in between.
  • Educational Development. In an effort to help African American youth see their potential, be motivated in their educational pursuits, and learn how to set and achieve goals, multiple programs have been developed and are implemented by Delta Sigma Theta sisters. Delta Gems, Delta Academy, and EMBODI allow sorors to be mentors and positive influences to both young women and young men at an impressionable time in their lives.
  • International Awareness and Involvement. From new school facilities with clean water to orphanages, Delta Sigma Theta sorors have made big impacts through projects in countries like South Africa.
  • Physical and Mental Health. The DeltaCare initiative encourages healthy habits for not only sorority members but also their families. Self-care in the form of physical and emotional wellness is encouraged and taught.
  • Political Awareness and Involvement. Delta sorors know the impact that laws and policies can have. Through the suffrage movement and beyond, Delta sorors have worked and continue to work tirelessly for equal rights for all people. Deltas serving with the Social Action Commission are encouraged to become involved politically.

These programs are vast and far-reaching. However,.your service does not have to be limited to initiatives under these programs, but they do provide great opportunities for you to volunteer your talents, skills, and time. With these programs in mind, here are a few ways to make the experience of being involved in one or more of them more meaningful.

Keep a Clear Perspective

Remember that the service you are providing is about improving the lives of others and elevating your community. You aren't there for a photo op to flaunt your service on Instagram. You are there to be a positive impact. There's nothing wrong with documenting your experience at appropriate times. In fact, it can be a great way to help others understand the needs in their community. Just be cognizant of how you are spending your time when you are around those you are serving, as they can discern if your efforts are not genuine.

Keeping a clear perspective is easier when you understand the purpose behind the service you are providing. Learn about why these initiatives were started in the first place and the void they are filling. Showing up and going through the motions will not yield the same results for you or for those you serve as showing up with a heart full of love and compassion.

Choose Projects that Align with your Strengths

Choosing service projects that align with your goals and your passions will help you provide better service. When you care about the work you are performing, you are more inclined to give it your all.

Service does not have to be something that takes time away from other parts of your life. It can be something that enhances your life. If you serve in capacities that help you learn and grow, the individuals you serve won't be the only ones benefiting from your efforts.

If you have a passion for finance and want to pursue a career in the field, becoming involved with the Financial Fortitude program can be a service to those you teach while also building your own resumé. If fitness captures your heart, the DeltaCare initiative will benefit from your expertise, and you will also earn valuable experience in the process.

Serve with Love

When you have a clear perspective about whom and why you are serving, and the projects you choose align with your personal goals and knowledge, you will serve others better and get more out of the experience yourself. Throw on your Delta Sigma Theta shirt to represent. Then get out into the world and make a difference with love.


Since the beginning, Delta Sigma Theta has placed an enormous priority on serving. Extensive community service is one of the prerequisites for entrance, and chapters often organize different volunteer opportunities. Sorors express their commitment in giving back to the community as much as they can, due to the sorority pledge.

5 Benefits of Sororities Infographic


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