Coming in Clutch

Coming in Clutch: Your Complete Guide to Clutches

Every girl needs a good clutch in her wardrobe. This classy accessory is the perfect combination of beauty and practicality. Keeping all your essentials in one easily transportable space while still making a fashion statement is the beauty of the clutch.

So how do you know which clutch is the one for you? How do you style it? And how exactly are you supposed to hold it? We’ve put together a helpful guide for you.

How to Choose a Clutch


Your favorite color might be neon pink, but hold off before you buy the first fluorescent clutch you see. A clutch that you plan for everyday use should probably be fairly neutral. You will want it to go well with a variety of your outfits. Your clutch doesn’t necessarily need to be coordinated with every piece of clothing you own, but choosing a neutral clutch that doesn’t clash with everything would be a good first step.

If you know that you’ll be sporting DST apparel regularly, a Delta Sigma Theta clutch could be a fun way to tie in your clutch with your outfit. Even on days when you’re not wearing your Delta Sigma Theta paraphernalia, a DST clutch would help you represent.


Clutches are intentionally small. Anything too big, and it may as well be a purse. But even in the clutch family, there’s a variety of sizes. Find one that will fit your essentials without feeling excessive or awkward to carry.


With a clutch housing many of your important things, you’ll want to ensure it’s up to the task. You don’t want your phone to take a spill because your cheap clutch splits partway through the evening. Find a clutch made of quality (and sturdy) materials.


Think about where you are going to be taking your clutch. A clutch that you plan to use when you frequent clubs will be different from the clutch you choose to attend black tie events, and both of those clutches may be different from an everyday clutch. Your Bohemian-styled clutch may be fun for everyday use, but a more elegant and sophisticated look would be more appropriate for a wedding.


To strap or not to strap, that is the question. Some clutches come with wristlet straps. If you are worried about not feeling secure while holding your clutch, a wristlet strap is a great tool.

How to Style Your Clutch

You can choose to style a clutch in one of three ways:

Let the clutch be the statement.

A clutch with a bright pattern, bold material, or sparkles is hard to miss. It can become the spotlight of your outfit.

Keep the clutch neutral.

Let your clothing take the spotlight. A neutral clutch allows the rest of your wardrobe to really shine.

Coordinate with the clutch.

Shoes, a hat, or jewelry that match your clutch can be a fun way to tie a whole look together.

How to Hold Your Clutch

Clutches can be held in many different ways: from the top, from the side, from the bottom, with two hands, or with no hands (under your arm). Many women choose to hold their clutches with their arms slightly bent, bringing the clutch up to the upper thigh or even hip level. The angles can help to accentuate the waist, break up your outfit, and draw focus to the clutch and up to your face.

You might want to choose how you hold your clutch depending on its style. Don’t be afraid to practice in the mirror so you know you’ll get it just right.

If you are trying to showcase your clutch as a statement piece, choose a more formal hold:

  • Frame the clutch by placing one hand on the bottom and grasping the top with the other. This will draw attention to and show off the design.
  • Pull up the clutch near your abdomen. Cradling the clutch by the bottom while exposing the design will help showcase it.
  • Holding on to one corner or edge can help keep the design in full view. Draw it up near your midsection.

If you want your clutch to blend in, go with a more casual grasp:

  • A one-handed hold across the front of the clutch (tucking your fingers under the bottom) while your arm is straight by your side, will keep the focus on you and the rest of your outfit.
  • Tucking the clutch under your arm near your armpit will keep everything close, safe, and out of sight.

If you want to look sophisticated, a two-handed, from-the-top hold with your fingers close together has an elegant look.

Clutches can be great in situations where you might be nervous since they give your hands something to do and a place to be, but be confident in your hold choice. Fiddling with your clutch and moving it around a lot will draw undue attention to it and make you appear even more nervous than you may feel.

When your hands are busy, such as during a meal, lay your clutch on your lap (underneath the napkin) or place it behind you in the small of your back. If you need to leave it momentarily, be sure to have someone you trust to keep an eye on it for you.

The most important rule when choosing, styling, and holding your clutch, is to know that none of these “rules” are set in stone. Choose a clutch that brings you joy. Style it with your outfit in a way that makes you feel like the queen you are. And hold it in whatever grasp feels best to you. You are the real statement piece. The clutch is just there to accentuate you.

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